Pictures and text provided by John Burrow
On Wednesday May 24th, the Bonsall West Elementary School came to visit Heritage Park.
Approximately 90 children and 30 adults came to the park, and visited the Trains For Kids and Railroad rooms, in small groups. The children were energetic and noisy (to us old guys), but were well behaved. They particularly enjoyed the Trains For Kids room, where they were able to run Thomas, James, Hogwart’s Express (the Harry Potter train) and the Freedom train.
Bob B. Got into the spirit of the occasion.
Picture and write up by John B.
The City Of Oceanside purchased new picnic tables for Heritage Park. The tables were delivered on Monday May 14th, and on the following Wednesday the tables were assembled our members. Many members came to help, and by 11 o’clock the 6 tables were assembled, and looked good. Eileen Turk from Oceanside Parks and Recreation was good enough to provide pizza for everyone, and this gave us an opportunity to try out the tables for the first time.
Rich B. inadvertently hits Frank with a plank.
Rick explains to Harold that it’s a bolt, not a nail
Chris examines the bottom of a seat
Frank plans his revenge on Rich B.
Rick explains to Harold that it’s a bolt, not a nail (again)
Leo and Eddie try to figure out how Chris got his hand stuck
Rich B. and Eddie didn’t get the message that it’s bolt, not a nail, again
No animals were harmed in the making of the tables (except Leo)
All tables stand to attention for final inspection
Photographs and comments by John